Running a successful business is always going to be challenging. For small and medium-sized businesses, competing with larger enterprises can be daunting indeed. However, a smaller operation can be far more flexible and this, together with a barcode system, can be your secret weapon
Here are several ways of making your size an advantage.
Excellent Customer Service
Mediocre customer service is a major frustration today. Waiting in endless phone or chat queues is infuriating. When you finally get through, the response is often unsatisfactory and it’s certainly impersonal. It hardly inspires confidence or repeat purchase.
As a small business, you can add a personal touch that larger organisations simply can’t match. Make sure your staff are motivated and knowledgeable. Your customers will appreciate the friendly and efficient service and they’ll be inspired to keep coming back.
Build a Fanbase
Even small businesses should have a consistent social media presence. Regular blog posts, tweets and Facebook updates engage existing clients and reach out to potential new ones. You don’t have to bombard them daily to establish a relationship, but you must be regular – a weekly blog post and a handful of tweets a week will all help.
Your customers will enjoy the personal insight into your business and your willingness to engage with them. It’s a great way to make them feel appreciated and encourage brand loyalty.
This will also work with your suppliers, and a close relationship with them can lead to lower costs and increased revenue.
No Time or Budget? No Problem
Time is probably in short supply but outsourcing your social media isn’t a problem. It can be handled by an external agency or consultant. Alternatively, if you have staff, why not give one of them the responsibility? You don’t need an expensive professional to keep things running smoothly.
Even if you’re a sole entrepreneur with very little time and an even smaller budget, you can still get efficient and cost-effective support. Employ someone remotely via a freelancing website, or work with a local college to provide work experience for students – great for you and them.
Team Up With Other Businesses
Other folks in your field aren’t necessarily competitors. Plumbers can cooperate with electricians or carpenters, marketing consultants can work with web designers or copywriters, architects can work with heating engineers. If you need one of these services you’ll probably need another to go with it, and a personal recommendation is a perfect way to stand out in a reliable and trustworthy way.
If you’re a shop or café owner, why not work with other businesses on your high street? Joint promotions, networking events and food festivals will help everyone to boost their business. If you have a local tourist board get them involved.
Be Prepared to Adapt
Trends are constantly changing and large corporations are often too cumbersome to keep up. Smaller businesses can be more flexible so innovation in product, service or delivery can be incorporated swiftly and with less expense.
Indeed, looking forward should always be a part of your business strategy rather than a knee-jerk reaction to the latest developments. As a small operator, you’re ideally placed to know exactly what your customers need and react accordingly.
Speed and Efficiency with a Barcode System
The right barcode products and labels will keep you ahead of the pack. Organise accounts, process payments, manage inventory and despatch goods swiftly and accurately. The knowledgeable folk at Tanto Labels will show you how.
And, our fine customer service is tailored just for you, whoever you are!